Monday, September 29, 2014

Wikipedia:Editorial Response

An editorial is a newspaper article written by or on behalf of an editor that gives an opinion on a topical issue.By that sense,this editorial is an editorial.My teachers have told me that Wikipedia is an unreliable source.It is like an open source where anyone can edit the information.They told me that many of them are not educated or trusted enough to rely on.

Teachers don't allow me to use wikipedia because they don't trust whether the information wikipedia gives is the right one.And somehow it is legit because editors can be anyone.Even the ones that are practicing editing.That's like allowing infants to drive cars.I have asked once the question "WHY" and the answer given to me is this paragraph.

Although i do think Wikipedia is a cool place which gives freedom to read and share for free and without any advertisements.But at the same time,the article did not changed my views.It just gives me the sense of "I was right".It is regulated but by very few employees which means wrong information can spread like a fire because the extinguishers are ineffective.It is more of an opinion based software than of fact based.

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